
Our clients appreciate how responsive we are to their individual legal needs.

Located in Mornington our lawyers are accessible, so when you need us, you know you can rely on us.


If your marriage has broken down and you have been separated for at least 12 months, you can apply for divorce to the Federal Circuit Court, or to the Family Court. A marriage breakdown isn’t easy for any party involved and divorces can have unexpected consequences including:

• an application for property settlement must be made within 12 months of the divorce being finalised, unless the court orders otherwise;

• a divorce automatically cuts your divorced spouse out of your will.

The experienced family law solicitors at Carroll Goldsmith Lawyers can guide you through all aspects of your divorce, including preparing the application, filing it with the court and serving it.

Our dedicated team are also able to help you through any property settlement or children’s matters that may arise because of the divorce.

For a free, non-obligational chat about your options, contact us now.


Level 1, 176 Main St, Mornington 3931
Victoria, Australia

PO Box 628, Mornington 3931
Victoria, Australia

Phone: (03) 5975 7588

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 5pm

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